CIC Insurance, The Old Bank, Station Hill, Cookham, Berks., SL6 9BT. Tel: 01628 531411. Fax: 01628 531413. [email]

About CIC Insurance

C I C provides both businesses and private individuals with a complete insurance service. We not only provide policies at very competitive premiums, but also offer our clients the help and advice they need to get the most from their insurance expenditure.

We have a Computerised Quotation System which scans the different options available to secure the best policies at the most competitive prices. Our motor section can handle anything from the private motor car to a large fleet of vehicles. In the event of an accident, we give our clients personal help and assistance to get their vehicle back on the road.

Commercial insurance is our speciality. We can provide you with all forms of insurance from complete commercial combined packages to specialist insurance such as Professional Indemnity, Liability and Legal Protection Policies. We provide the business and corporate client with a complete insurance service at the most competitive premiums.

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